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Here is what we are looking for in qualified candidate companies to enter the Energy Valley Labs:

Capital, Operating and Investment Financial Services
Energy Valley Labs provides consulting and financial planning services to assist growing companies with their many financial needs. We work with a number of leading private and public sources to insure the highest level of attention to our client's needs.
Target Entry Points
Energy Valley Labs is particularly interested in enabling or enhancing technology that can be applied in the market place currently or in the near term.  It prefers to invest along the maturation curve between 'lab proven' and 'pilot plant manufacturing' levels.
Scope of Technologies
Intial focus has been on technologies for utilization within ExP sector with logical extensions to downstream pipeline and power.  Energy Valley Labs is interested in technologies facilitating:
* Capex and opex cost reduction
* Production and top line revenue growth
* Business process improvement, including Environmental, Health and Safety management tools, and Digital Business/Information Technology.
Value Added
Energy Valley Labs' mission of locating, and accelerating technology development in the energy sector appears to be well timed.  After years of botom of the cycle product pricing, industry consolidations, and capital competition; the need for safe, effective technology for the energy industry is just starting to ramp up.

Energy Valley Labs' expertise and positioning within the industry provides valuable and unique insights.  This, combined with their strategic relationships and strong customer focus provides a winning combination for clients.